Return of the Jedi Movie Poster

Return of
the Jedi


1983 saw the conclusion of the Original Trilogy with Return of the Jedi.
The Emperor is building a new Death Star while the rebels are trying to
free Han Solo from the vile clutches of Jabba the Hutt.
Once the rebels freed Han Solo, Luke visits Yoda the Jedi Master to end his training,
and become a Jedi like his father before him. Meanwhile the rebels gather the fleet
and plan to attack the second Death Star. The plan to destroy it before it becomes
operational. Our heroes go on a secret mission to destroy the shield generator located
on the planet Endor that protects the Death Star. Little did they know that the Death Star
is operational and the Emperor set a trap for the rebels.
Luke not only has to face his father, Darth Vader again, but also the Emperor, who wants to
pull Luke to the Dark Side of the Force.

Directed by Richard Marquand
Produced by Howard Kazanjian
Written by George Lucas

Mark Hamill
Harrison Ford
Carrie Fisher
David Prowse
Ian McDiarmid

Music by John Williams
Production company     Lucasfilm Ltd.
Distributed by               20th Century Fox

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R2-D2 and C-3P0 at Jabbas Palace
The Emperor
Slave Leia at Jabbas palace
Battle of Endor